Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

PSONS Symposium

PSONS Symposium is an annual educational event offered to the oncology nursing community. Oncology nurses gather from across the state and pacific northwest for fully accredited educational offerings, social networking, and connecting with other oncology nurses!

Our Symposium team works hard to make it accessible for the region, by alternating north and south locations each year.

Held at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, 2024’s educational topics included:
McCorkle Lecture
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Caregivers Perspective
“Navigating the Meaning of Life Despite Serious Illness”
Prostate Cancer and Stereotactic Radiation
Oncologic Emergencies
“It’s an Extraordinary Life – Don’t Miss It”

In 2024, we had 173 total attendees! We are looking forward to 2025 and welcome any volunteers who would like to help. Please email with questions or inquires!