Save the date for our Annual PSONS OCN Review Course!
Saturday March 1st & Sunday March 2nd, 2025

Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

Membership |

Nurture Your Creative Self: Join PSONS in a 12-week Book Club and Accountability Group

Are you an oncology nurse looking to reconnect with your creative side? Join PSONS for a 12-week journey through Julia Cameron’s cult classic, “The Artist’s Way” offered by Introspective Spaces.

The Artist’s Way is a 12-week workbook of sorts to reconnect with your inner artist through play, reflection, exercises, and examining our inner beliefs about creativity. Introspective Spaces feel this is especially important for our community of healthcare workers, as so many of us put our inner artist/child on hold when we entered our healthcare training and haven’t quite figured out how to reawaken ourselves.

Why Join?

  • Creative Healing: Rediscover your inner artist and find new ways to express yourself.
  • Community Support: Connect with fellow oncology nurses in a supportive and inspiring environment.
  • Free Participation: PSONS has sponsored a group registration, making it free for members

What to Expect:

  • Asynchronous Reading: Read one chapter per week at your own pace.
  • Weekly Check-Ins with Accountability Groups: Participants will join a pod for weekly meetings facilitating support, insights, and sharing throughout this journey. We will offer multiple meeting times and asynchronous options to accommodate your schedule.

No artistic experience required!

Deadline to register: Wednesday, September 4th
Book club starts: Week of September 9th through end of November

Next steps:

  • Learn more by visiting the Introspective Spaces Website
  • Email for the registration code for members to register for free
  • Purchase or rent “The Artist’s Way” online, at your local bookstore or library for the 12-week journey
  • Share with your oncology nurse friends and PSONS members to begin this journey together!

Invest in yourself and join us on this  journey.

If you have any questions, please email Lyndsey Conway at