Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

Membership Education |

Call for McCorkle Lectureship nominees!

Dear ONS Puget Sound Chapter Members,
Do you have a nurse mentor that has positively influenced your development as an oncology nurse?
We invite you to nominate them for the 2025 McCorkle Award!

The McCorkle Award was developed in recognition of, and in gratitude to, Dr. Ruth McCorkle, who
played a key role in developing the Puget Sound Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. The award
recipient will present the McCorkle lecture at the PSONS Symposium on Saturday, October 18, 2025, and
receive an honorarium in appreciation. If needed, they will also have a former McCorkle awardee
available as a mentor to guide them through the process.

Dr. Ruth McCorkle was an oncology nurse, educator, and researcher. While working at the University of
Washington she developed the Symptom Distress Scale with Kathy Young Graham. A tool still used today
to evaluate the symptoms of cancer patients. Her research also focused on relieving distress of
caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients and developing a training program for advanced practice
nurses delivering nursing interventions for patients and their families across the cancer trajectory.

Nominees for the McCorkle Award must be a current member of the Oncology Nursing Society Puget
Sound Chapter who has had an active role in the field of oncology nursing. This role may be in clinical
practice, advanced practice, education, leadership, or research. Selection will be based on their
demonstration of ONS core values (inclusivity, excellence, advocacy, and innovation) as well as examples
of their contributions to oncology nursing (such as presentations, in-services, and publications).

To nominate a colleague for the McCorkle Aware, please submit:
1. Your letter of nomination
2. A copy of their current resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

Email submissions to by Monday, February 17, 2025. 
The award recipient will be notified the third week of March 2025.