Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

Our Committees

PSONS Committees are chaired by volunteers from around the Puget Sound region, and are excited about sharing their passion for this work with others!

If you are interested in learning more about a committee and even volunteering on a committee, please reach out directly to the committee chair, or reach out to to inquire what might be right for you.

Learn More About Each Committee


The Membership Committee promotes initial and renewal membership in the national ONS and chapter. This committee is responsible for the nominating functions, including recruiting for all board positions, conducting an annual chapter election by electronic ballot and encourages chapter members to vote in Chapter and national ONS elections.

This committee is looking for creative ways to recruit more members and expand outreach to new members.

If you have any ideas or questions, please contact


The Scholarship Committee proposes scholarships available to membership, promotes application process each year and selects recipients.

Our scholarship committee is proud to offer a variety of scholarships, including funding for further education, ONCC test registration, ONS Web-based courses, PSONS Symposium registration for members and non-members, and funding for additional national oncology specific conferences.

If you have questions, please email


The Education Committee plans, coordinates, and sponsors regularly scheduled educational programs throughout the year. Committee members meet 1-2 times per year and attend meetings that they coordinate.

The education committee evaluates the educational needs of chapter members by identifying specific areas of interest and topics and then seeks out appropriate speakers for each education event.

If you have any questions, please email

Community Service

Provides the PSONS Chapter with volunteer opportunities to give back to the local community through various projects such as organizing food drive, work days and DESC, and prior project that included supplying school supplies and backpacks to school age children in need.

Projects have included:

  • Annual Food Drive at the PSONS Symposium to benefit a local foodbank
  • Ongoing drive for move in and shelter supplies for the DESC. Volunteer work days at the DESC to help sort donations.
  • Additional projects TBD

If you would be interested in collecting or purchasing items for our drives or participating in a volunteer work day, please contact Lisa Westmoreland at


Committee meets the 4th Wednesday of every month to plan th efully accredited annual PSONS Symposium. The symposium commitee also selected the McCorkle Lectureship recipient. It is award to a PSONS member in recognition of their significant contribution to cancer nursing, high standards of practice while demonstrating ONS core values of integrity, innovation, stewardship, advocacy, excellence, and inclusiveness.

Email to learn more!


The Research Committee works with the PSONS Board to enhance research opportunities for the membership. Mentors are available for PSONS individual members’ abstract submissions for symposium as well as for other conferences (i.e. ONS National).  Chairs the review committee of submissions for Symposium presentation. Communicates the selected submissions to the Symposium Chair. Coordinates with the Scholarship Chair as needed for awards.

If you have any questions, please email

Government & Health Policy

In collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the government/Health Policy committee members have the opportunity to meet/engage with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., and Olympia to advocate on issues key to improving the experience of cancer patients, their caregivers, and their families along the cancer continuum. Civic engagement on any level is encouraged to improve the well-being of populations and individuals. Our committee meetings are likely to be 3x per year, and the agenda is currently being established to consider education and engagement on the following topics:

  • Equity and increasing access to cancer treatment
  • Palliative care awareness and education
  • Cancer prevention and early detection
  • Climate action and sustainability
  • Tobacco-specific legislation (i.e. smoking, vaping, mitigation)

If you have any questions, please email


Organizes and maintains the PSONS website, which includes communication for PSONS events, activities, and opportunities for membership engagement within the oncology community.

If you have any questions, please email

Vendor Relations

The Vendor Liaison acts as a contact between vendors and the chapter. The vendor liaison(s) shall maintain an updated vendor contact list, solicit for chapter events, manage vendor display space and collect associated fees charged for monthly education events, the Annual Symposium, and other events as requested. This person(s) works closely with the treasurer in procuring funding for chapter events and maintaining records of such between vendors and the chapter.

Education Cooperative

The PSONS Education Cooperative is a group of nurses who are responsible for the education of oncology nurses at their facility. We meet quarterly to identify gaps and collectively seek solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of our community. If you are a CNS. CNL, manager or appointment staff nurse in charge of education, please feel free to request to participate in our facilitated meetings.

If you have any questions, please email