Save the date for our Annual PSONS OCN Review Course!
Saturday March 1st & Sunday March 2nd, 2025

Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

Non-Psons Events

Non-PSONS Event: “Exploring Time Off Treatment with a BCL-2 Inhibitor”

February 7, 2024
6:30PM - 8:00PM

Aerlume Seattle, 2003 Western Ave Suite C, Seattle, WA 98121, USA

You are invited to attend a clinical presentation about the efficacy and safety of Venclexta regimens in the treatment of CLL: “Exploring Time Off Treatment with a BCL-2 Inhibitor”
Nadia Khan MD
Swedish Cancer Institute, SCI Center for Blood Disorders and Cellular Therapy

Respond with the QR code on the flier (attached)
Jules Holland
(253) 349-3350