Save the date for our Annual PSONS OCN Review Course!
Saturday March 1st & Sunday March 2nd, 2025

Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025


PSONS November Hybrid Education Event: “Radiation Therapy and Gynecologic Oncology”

November 14, 2024
6:15PM - 8:00PM

Palisade, West Marina Place, Seattle, WA, USA

We are excited to announce our November education event titled, “Radiation Therapy and Gynnecologic Oncology” presented by Tracy Sherertz, MD and Becca Amato, RN.

This will be a hybrid presentation, where attendees can come in person or join via Zoom! You must pre-register to attend this event.

RSVP by November 12th at 3pm by clicking the link below!

Any questions? Please email