Registration is now LIVE for our Annual PSONS OCN Review Course!
Saturday March 1st & Sunday March 2nd, 2025

Save the date for our 46th Annual PSONS Symposium!
Saturday, October 18th 2025

Welcome to the PSONS Vendor Communication Page!


PSONS would like to thank our industry partners. Your dedication and support to the Puget Sound Oncology Nursing Society (PSONS) is very much appreciated.

The PSONS appreciates your interest in our chapter activities. Your support helps us provide ongoing chapter education in alliance with our mission and goals as well as those of the national Oncology Nursing Society.

Your contact for the vendor support is Lynley Fow. She is an oncology nurse & practitioner who currently works in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, she is a great fit for this vendor liaison role.

If you have any questions please email her at She checks the email account once a week, usually on the weekend. Please do not email her on any of her personal accounts, such as Hotmail, which she does not check regularly.

Here is our overview of events for the year:

2023 PSONS Vendor Annual Letter
(note: if unable to open the annual letter, please email for a copy of the letter).

We hope that you can use this page for the following:

Submit a request to be on the PSONS vendor/community resource e-mail/mailing list: Please email us at

Change and/or update your current contact information: Please email us at Please include:

  • Name, Title, Company or Organization
  • Street or PO BOX
  • City, State, Zip
  • Phone, Fax, E-mail
  • Profit or Non-Profit

View the annual Vendor Update/Funding opportunity letter (More information coming soon)

View specific event request letters as they are released (More information coming soon)

Print our W-9PSONS 2022 W9 this is the most recent W9 provided from the IRS. (Please email if you are having trouble accessing the file)

***We have a new policy for posting industry events on our website. Please click here to download the policy: Policy for industry event posting.  Please email with any questions***

Ongoing Funding/Exhibit/Advertising Opportunities Available throughout the year include:

Exhibits: PSONS will not provide a list of attendees for events in which a display table is acquired. We can provide an official letter with the total number of attendees for the day and event topics post event.

Annual Symposium exhibit table: Saturday, November 18th, 2023 at the Lynnwood Convention Center

OCN Review Course: Saturday & Sunday, March 11th & 12th, 2023 at Kaiser Permanente Facility in Renton, WA

Monthly education meetings: Currently on hold

Advertising: We do not advertise. But please email for any of your education events to be posted in our Non-PSONS events page.

Vendor Contact List/Access and Usage:

  • The vendor contact list is kept updated by the vendor support committee members who are designated by the PSONS Board. When a committee member no longer holds the position, it is agreed that they will no longer have access to or use the information contained on the list.
  • Contact information on the list is routinely used for the following: Distribution of the Annual Future Events and Funding Opportunities Letter, Annual Symposium and the OCN Review Course.
  • All other bulk e-mails and US postal mailings using the vendor list will require the permission of the board and go out via the PSONS g-mail account.
  • If the PSONS board choses to partner with or assist other organizations (PSPRN, PSINS, etc.) they agree not to provide the list to the organization only send out the announcement via the PSONS website. These decisions will be documented in the board minutes.

Exhibit Display Request for PSONS Events:
When scheduling exhibit tables for PSONS events the following process and criteria will be used

Table Displays General:
1) A Funding Opportunities Letter will go out to all active accounts on the vendor master list by the PSONS vendors e-mail in order to allow our sponsors to save dates and plan funding.
2) Profit or paying sponsors will be given first priority when space is limited in order to help support the chapter goals of remaining financially responsible and staying cost neutral for educational events.
3) No partial display table fees will be accepted for smaller companies or private entities

Annual Symposium and the OCN Review Course
1)  A specific request for funding letter will be sent out for each event listing the contact person for that event and proper method of securing a table display.
2)  Sponsors will be selected using the following criteria if there is limited space

  • Profit or paying sponsors will be given first priority in order to help support the chapter goals of remaining financially responsible and staying cost neutral for educational events
  • Time and date of request provided all the information is submitted at the same time. Information must include confirmation of the day of the display when multiple days are available, funding agreed upon and contact information for the responsible party
  • Upon arrival tables will be determined on a first arrival first choice basis

3) PSONS is not responsible for providing table coverings
4) After the events end, Exhibitors agree to remove all remaining materials unless requested otherwise